Figured i'd better blog about something, so i'll blog about ladies night. The night started out with me meeting an old friend from London who comes to Hong Kong now and then to visit her folks who recently moved out here. Here's the lady in question....

Here's a more substantial picture for y'all. She's training to be a doctor specializing in weird tropical diseases.....and she'll be "Doctor Payne". Sounds pretty awesome...
After some free champagne, we went to Algave fro free frozen Margarita's. Once i pretty much raised the bar for my brain freeze pain threshold we went off to see Janine who had karaoke booked til 1am. Twas quite dire.... at 1st i thought it wouldn't be too bad, i spotted Hank Williams and Willie Nelson on the artist list, but they only had 1 song of each, and not exactly their best songs.... so i was stuck watching crap like "Hero" by Mariah Carey, which weirdly enough had a video accompanying it completely made up of African kids and elephants. I mean....there's low budget then there's NO budget.
We made a pretty swift exit from there and ended up in Amazonia.
(we thought we'd skip all the real classy joints, like "cockeye")
He plays Jimmi Hendrix with his feet. It's wrong....
I was waiting for this guy to play Jimmi Hendrix with his head, but it didn't happen... I have no idea who he is, he's friends with the keytarist....i guess he's just visiting.
There's a new beggar on the block who's pretty awesome...
We spent most the night outside, and managed to rustle up a pretty decent game of street hacky sack with some rolled up paper!
Tomorrow is my last day off before i go back to work, then this time next week we're off to Singapore. Hoping i'll get a few tattoo posts in, but no guarantees..... lots of small stuff, nothing too special. I think i'm doing a star trek tattoo on sun which is pretty kick ass though! the vulcan symbol i think....on a friend of a friend...
anyways, it's 7:10 and the suns coming up, so i gotta get some shut eye. adieu