Sunday 23 May 2010

a day at the zoo....

so today was fun. 1st off, it started with a repeat offender bringing cake. lots of cake. miss evon has been in for 5 tattoos in the space of a month. talk about some serious dedication! she's not in town for long so figured she'd milk it.... til she flies back to good ol' singapore.

so this is the 5th and final (?!) tattoo she got..... we had a real hard time getting a good shot of this, so this is the best i got i'm afraid..... she sat like a champ as always.

i really enjoy doing stuff with a slightly heraldic look, you can really play around with line weight. i especially like doing animals like this coz you can kinda make them exaggerated and play around with features too....

so my next customer got a cover up.... but i doubt y'all can tell. i was lucky she had quite a faint tattoo to start with, albeit being pretty much as tall as what i covered it with and almost as wide! this wasn't my favorite tattoo do do ( i have a HUGE ungodly heart stoppingly irrational fear of frogs.) i was amazed i hadn't ever been asked to do a frog tattoo before..... but i knew it had to happen sometime. i think i dealt pretty well, and just counted my blessings she didnt want a photo-realistic frog *shudder*

she kept telling me she wanted it very colorful, and kept showing me rainbows...... so i got to work!

anyways, it's late i am going to head home and attempt to get the remaining pink dye outta my hair.... wish me luck!

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