Thursday 27 May 2010

pho-to-tal waste of time

so both my appointments for today rescheduled for another day and it's been a boring, very boring day..... so i started messing around with my holga camera again... i bought some new fancy film too so i've been taking pics of all sortsa crap just coz i'm really eager to get the film developed....

i also found a disposable camera in one of my drawers at work which i have absolutely no recollection of... so been trying to use that up too....

looks like we r gonna close early and take jill round some pretty sweet shopping cetres, so i'll definately be able to finish off both the fils tonight.

in the mean time, as i have nothing to post.... here's my favorite pic from the last roll i did on the holga... it's a pic of Andy taking a pic of me taking a pic of him on the teacup ride at Disneyland. ENJOY!

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