Saturday, 29 May 2010

hopper v s coleman

so funny how i go to a night dedicated to the death of an awesome person (ian curtis) and end up with news of the death of another awesome person (dennis hopper). i'm pretty sure gary coleman died too.... this 3 thing is kinda lame.... coz at what point do u just not give a shit about a washed up actor? see HERE!

what amazes me the most is the fact that an online news article cant even get their tenses right.......

The old rumor that celebrity deaths come in threes has been proved correct with the news Gary Coleman dead.

genius. what choo talkin bout?!

p.s anyone who didnt make it to the ian curtis night didnt miss's kinda distasteful to have a noose hanging on the stage right? or am i the only person in this lame godforsaken "city" that actually thinks about this kinda stuff? RETARDED..... no amount of " culture difference" will account for pure bad taste.

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